January 2019 – Page 2 – Diet Planet
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Refine your habits and sleep like a baby!!

How to improve the quality of your sleep?

1. Put your smartphones aside: Make it a thumb rule to keep all your internet supporting devices outside your bedroom(or on airplane mode, if they serve as your alarm clock too), at least 1-2 hours before you would like to doze off and the sleep angel would definitely show up on time.

2. Read a book: Pick up your favourite book (even a less interesting one would work) and within 30 minutes, your mind will start feeling lighter. A research observed that half an hour of dedicated reading greatly reduces stress levels which in turn flushes out all the negative thoughts, thus relaxing the mind.

3. Exercise regularly: Besides exhausting your body, exercise also releases happy hormones which help reduce stress and calm your mind.

4. Avoid late and heavy meals: Dinner should always be kept light and the gap between the last meal of the day and bedtime should be at least 1-2 hours.

5. Take wise Naps: Take small day naps, not too close to your bedtime in order to use them just as power boosts.

6. Change the atmosphere of the room: Bright lights, loud noises and too much outdoor and indoor activity signal the feeling of daytime to our body. So, dimming the lights, playing some calming music and shutting all other activities before going to bed would notify the body about sleep time. The air of the room should feel and smell fresh. Many studies suggest as compared to outdoor air, closed indoor air quality is more poor in may household due to many reasons. In polluted areas or densely populated areas it is evident that natural resources are divided more like forest / green cover, natural water resource etc.. is less in availability per person. So try to plant trees and ornamental plants outdoor and indoor and its advisable to use a air purifier device to help breath good quality air at least 8-10 hours in a day when your family is sleeping in a closed room.

7. Chamomile tea: Some studies reveal that along with plethora of benefits like rich in antioxidants, aiding in digestive issues, headaches and to counteract on bacterial infections. Chamomile tea helps reducing insomnia too. So, never heard about Chamomile Tea.? try it It’s really very effective and its a pleasant herbal aromatic infusion and easily available at any superstore or online grocery store.


Weight loss or Weight Gain or achieving a good and sound body or, any Medical Condition is a process not a quick output…………Any change needs time from Lean to Fat …….and again from Fat to Lean…………….we need to put in efforts to see the Good change in Health .

People follow fad diets which are detrimental for their health or want to be happy loosing huge numbers on the weighing scale within a span of few days or weeks…???? Have you ever put a thought on how much time did the body need to come to achieve this state of gaining on High Weight or a Medical Condition? May be some months or years together and we don’t allow our body the same amount of time to reduce that weight or overcome the medical conditions …..We need everything instant ….like our junk and fast food or so called ready to eat foods. Important thing to note here, when we loose fast or gain fast the body has a tendency to snatch the loss again thus you could end up gaining or loosing faster.

The Summer Drink!

To know more about this healthy, nutritious drink and to flavour-up your Chaas/ Buttermilk follow this link:

Beat the heat this summer with Buttermilk.

Learn about SUGAR in Nutrition, its scope and effects on your health

Chemically and in simple layman language sugar is basically simple form of carbohydrate. Sugar is basically compound known as Glucose. Its derived from various sources like sugarcane, milk, fruits etc.

This blog discusses on SUGAR in Nutrition and its effects on our day to day eating habits and, not sugar commonly known as a disease and the ways of detection of medical condition due to imbalance in blood sugar levels.
Sugar in blood is not a disease but, imbalance of sugar in blood can cause metabolic diseases.

Why Sugar is important Nutrition..?

The compound Sugar in our food is instant source of energy for body and the only simple form of fuel for our brain as Glucose and, an alternate source of energy for other organ systems and muscles.

The brain needs glucose to burn and use it as single and only source of energy and, actually brain is a very sensitive and important organ which needs instant energy to keep it up and working.

All You Need to Know about Ghee or Clarified butter

Fat is an important part of your diet, but figuring out how much to eat can be confusing for many.

Over the last few decades, every day and recommendations have gone from moderate-fat to low-fat, based on recommendations from Health Organizations (HO) worldwide. However, the new HO Dietary Guidelines no longer specify an upper limit for how much total fat you should consume. Along with protein and carbs, fat is one of the three macronutrients in your diet.

Fat performs a number of functions and provides several health benefits:

Energy: Fat is an excellent energy source. It provides 9 calories per gram, whereas protein and carbs each provide 4 calories per gram.

Hormone and gene regulation: Fats regulate the production of reproductive and steroid hormones, as well as genes involved in growth and metabolism.
Brain function: Adequate fat intake is important for brain health, including mood.

Absorption of fat-soluble vitamins: Vitamins A, D, E and K must be consumed with fat to be properly absorbed.

Flavor and fullness: Adding fat to foods makes them tastier and more filling.

Being a Dietician / Professional Nutritionist and collecting more than 10 years of practicing experience.

Weight Gain, weight loss “OR” Weight Management with being fitter to counter ageing effects, what should be a clear, real and possible goal ?

A contemporary and trendy approach not only depends on what you eat or what your Diet is…..it largely depends on how you complete your plate each day like your work, the lifestyle you follow and your day to day and bed time routine.

Give a thought on this summary, which will help you achieve your desired health goals and you can deliver more in personal and professional spheres of life with well balanced mind, thoughts, concentration, stress levels, beauty, stamina and, endurance.

Diet Planet is helping people covering these elements to deliver a better outcome for you to learn the right way and live well with a better “Quality of Life”.

Priyanka Khandelwal’s Diet Planet – the Online Diet Clinic is just a Click away to help you !!!

Bajra Vadi recipe

Benefits of Bajra in winter
• It will keep you warm and help you beat the winter chills.
• The millet will also keep you energetic during winter
• Bajra is also a good source of iron and contains moderate amounts of calcium.
• It is very good for your muscular system as its high in vitamin B content, which also helps it to break down the carbohydrates and fat in your body.
• It also helps in celiac disease.


Diet planet

Priyanka Khandelwal is a Dietician and Nutritionist in Gurgaon with post graduate degree in Dietetics, certified diabetes educator and food service management with more than 10 years of experience. Dietician Priyanka Khandelwal offers online diet clinic facility from her Clinic named Diet Planet which helps save time, effort and money of individual’s looking for online consultation from an expert diet and nutrition professional.

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Vijay Niketan , House No 8 , Ground Floor , Sector 5 ,Near Chintpurni Mata Temple , Gurugram -122001 (HR) India

Monday to Sunday  9:00 am - 6:00 pm

# All Face to Face and Online consultations by prior appointment only

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